

Incursion SNAFU — Review

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Incursion SANFUGrindhouse Games’ first expansion for its weird-war WW2 board/miniatures game is now available. SNAFU is a 64-page softcover book that includes new units, new missions, painting guides and an official FAQ. The book follows the Incursion rulebook style and continues the high design and pulp feel of the original game.

Released separately are a host of new miniatures that cover the new units in the book. But as always if you do not want to play the game with miniatures standups are also included (this time as a download only). The Allies get the official release of the MI-13 rules along with new rules and miniatures for Bazooka APE, Zip Kelly and Gracie. The Germans get some new Sturmzombies, the evil Drohne, and the massive Panzeraffe. Rules are provided for all of the new units and their weapons. The stat cards are a separate download and are not included with the book.

The Panzeraffe is a huge model and even makes the Gracie walker look a tad small. The Panzeraffe can be kitted out for shooting or close combat and Gracie can stomp over units as easily as it can gun them down. Both Zip Kelly and the Drohne represent the lighter but more nimble choices. Overall the new units are a welcome addition to the game and will add to a player’s tactical choices.

Incursion SNAFU UnitsThe meat of the expansion is certainly the new missions. SNAFU includes nineteen new missions in all including six solitaire missions as well as three two map missions. You will need the map expansion or an extra copy of the game to play the larger missions. The Cinematic missions include a couple pages of the needed rules for solitaire play. This is a nice addition to the game and allows for some unique forces. The mission selection overall is a nice mix and, especially when combined with the new forces, increases re-playability considerably.

Incursion SNAFU PaintingRounding it all off are a few pages of painting guides including color recommendations and also a complete FAQ for the rules to date. All-in-all if you have any interest in Incursion this is a must get expansion. If you thought the re-playability of the original was a bit limited this also solves that problem. New meat for the Grinder!

Incursion MI-13 Commandos– Review

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MI-13 Greens
MI-13 Greens

We got the pre-release pack of the new Incursion MI-13 Commando miniatures. The MI-13 are the new British special forces unit for Incursion. As with all Grindhouse Games’ minis they arrived quickly and were crisply cast with almost no flash. The unit consists of 7 complete models: 2x Gut-Gunner, 1x Grenadier, 1x Paddy Mayne, 2x Commando, and 1x Corporal. Except for Paddy all the units have separate heads so you can mix and match as you wish or use heads from other ranges. The weapons are separate but mostly consist of just the forward half of the weapon along with a molded on hand so you can’t swap weapons between figures. Read the rest of this entry »

Incursion – MI-13 Coming Soon

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Paddy MayneLooks like the Brits are on tap next for Incursion. At least four new figures for the MI-13 Commandos are close to being ready for production. They feature separate heads so you can swap them with others from West Wind for greater variety. Beta rules and the Paddy Mayne card are available for playtesting.

See our review.

The final rules and cards are now available. A nice surprise was the inclusion of Gracie, a new MI-13 unit. Gracie is a new ‘light mech’ unit. No art for it yet but it should be interesting when it arrives.

[Updated: 23APR10]

Incursion Now Available

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Well, here it is! Hop on over to the downloads page and download yourself a copy of Incursion!

It’s been a very long 14 months in the making. It took lots of really late nights and long weekends by a whole bunch of dedicated people to make this a reality. Most people on the team worked for free or for very reduced rates in order to just make it real. It has been brutal but it has been a labor of love. We all hope you enjoy yourselves with this game.

I can’t thank everyone who worked on this here but I would, in particular like to call out my friend Tammy (Tears of Envy) who was always there to prop me back up when I started to fall. Also, without the expertise of Andy and Wendy of West Wind Productions, this thing likely would not be…

So, we have at last reached the end…of the beginning!

Also see our APE Suit miniatures review and Incursion SNAFU review.

The Guerilla Miniature Games’s Blog has a nice piece on assembling the Incursion game pieces.

The printed box game is now available for a limited time. You can see the unboxed components.

[Updated: 8FEB10]

Incursion Beta Rules Available

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incursion-logoGrindhouse Games released beta (test) rules for its upcoming weird WW2, sci-fi board/miniature game Incursion. Also available are test rules for the initial Allied and German units.

The rulebook is a 30 page pdf. The rules themselves comprise ten pages with another three pages of missions, eleven pages of cards, and six full-color map-tile pages. The cards and map tiles are rather uninspired but this of course is just a test pack and certainly not indicative of final art.

The rules are rather straightforward and reminiscent of Space Hulk. Incursion uses action points and command points. The big innovation over similar games is the use of the Battle Cards. Essentially the Battle Cards add extra chrome to the game without the need for a lot of extra rules. The cards cover things such as extra ammo, armor piercing ammo, jammed radio, snafu, and a whole lot more.

Overall it is a solid initial effort and hopefully the gaming community will provide lots of feedback to further develop and improve the game.

Also see our APE Suit miniatures review and the Grindhouse announcement.

Incursion — Update

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Tabletop Gaming News has some new information about Grindhouse Games’ upcoming Incursion boardgame,

Incursion is a much different beast than Space Hulk. It’s played on squares and has action points but diverges rapidly from there as you’ll see shortly. The two games are however similar enough in “feel” that we expect to be at a, shall we say, competitive disadvantage? :-)

This will certainly affect our plans and I must say that without the marketing and distribution machine of the big guys and the breathing space for the game to take root, there is little sense in ploughing another 40 grand of money I don’t have into this thing just to get a boxed game out especially given the economic woes my architecture firm is suffering.

Tough times people, tough times.

The good news is that we do have a backup plan. You guys will likely get a free game out of this deal and loads more cool art, graphics, fluff, and especially miniatures. This all just means we have to move a little more cautiously and grow the game itself organically. We still have to work out the details of how we’re going to manage this but it will likely begin as free downloadable loveliness. The field is no longer wide open and we are, after all, just a few dedicated folks with a lot of passion, skill, and a need to do good art and design…and not enough money, by a lot, to take on GW. Read the rest…

This is a real shame especially considering that, while Space Hulk will certainly be great, GW is not known for innovative games so it seems to us there would be plenty of room for both games in the market.

Incursion Grunt APE Miniatures — Review

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Grunt APE I
Grunt APE I

Incursion is Grindhouse Games’ upcoming weird war board/miniatures game set in an alternate World War Two universe. They have posted a nice description of the game. Others have described it as a blend of Space Hulk and Wolfenstein 3D or, in other words, a dungeon crawl type game set in the bowls of a Gibraltar-based German research lab. Details on the game itself are still rather slim but some of the miniatures are now available for order. We got the full set of Allied APE suits and a German Sturmzombie. Read the rest of this entry »