Star Trek Enterprise — Size Comparison

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“NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C or D.”

With the new Star Trek: Attack Wing game out we thought it might be useful to look at a few models of the Enterprise to get an idea of their relative sizes. As you can see from the photos the new ST:AW mini is by far the smallest at 1.5″ in length. The other ships in the ST:AW line are so far around 3″ in length. So if you simply want a larger Enterprise then swapping it out with one of these options is a simple affair and it will fit in well with the other ships.

The Starline 2500 line is now mostly metal and far better than the original resin releases. The AMT models are excellent but if you want to use the Enterprise-B or -D they start to get big at around 10″ long. The AMT Klingon ships are roughly the same size as the Starline 2500 Klingon ships. But if you are playing smaller games with just a few ships per side these sizes work quite well and give you the feeling of commanding large ships.

Also see our look at Star Trek: Fleet Captains.

[Updated: 27SEP13]

One thought on “Star Trek Enterprise — Size Comparison

    […] Also see our look at Star Trek: Fleet Captains. and look at Star Trek ship miniatures. […]

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